
Unlock the Secrets of Art Engagement with Event iQ

As a curator or exhibit designer, you strive to create experiences that captivate and inspire. But how do you truly understand the impact of your artistic choices? Introducing Event iQ, the AI-powered dashboard that unlocks new levels of visitor understanding within your art exhibition halls.

Imagine Analyzing Your Exhibit Like Never Before

You're debriefing your latest exhibition, eager to see what resonated with visitors and where they might have disengaged. Event iQ automatically generates a timeline of pivotal engagement points:

  • Dwell Time at Artworks: Uncover which pieces held viewers' attention longest,identifying potential crowd favorites and less engaging works.

  • Visitor Pathways: Analyze traffic patterns, see how people navigate the space,and spot potential bottlenecks or overlooked areas.

  • Engagement with Interactive Elements: Evaluate the success of touchscreens,audio guides, and other interactive components.

  • Visitor Reactions: Tap into subtle cues like facial expressions to gauge emotional responses to different works.

  • Docent/Guide Interactions: Assess how guided elements enhance the experience and identify areas for guide training.

Event iQ: Your Art Exhibit's Instant Replay

Each engagement highlight comes with a timestamp and linked video clip, empowering you to:

  • Instantly Analyze Key Moments: Forget scrolling through hours of footage – jump directly to moments of interest.

  • Collaborate with Your Team: Discuss visitor patterns, curate highlights, and brainstorm improvements for future exhibitions

  • Design Future Experiences with Data: Utilize insights to create more engaging and impactful exhibits.

Benefits for Curators, Artists, and Visitors

  • Curators: Fine-tune exhibition design, optimize artwork placement, and create even more captivating experiences.

  • Artists: Understand audience reactions, gain insights into their work's impact, and adapt future pieces.

  • Visitors: Receive personalized insights on their exhibit journey, identifying what they connected with most deeply.

Elevate Art Appreciation with Event iQ

Don't confine your exhibit analysis to foot traffic and sales figures. Harness the power of AI and sign up for Event iQ today. Uncover the story of engagement within your exhibition walls and transform the way you design future art experiences.

Upgrade your video analytics with Engage Vision

Engage Vision © 2024

Upgrade your video analytics with Engage Vision

Engage Vision © 2024

Upgrade your video analytics with Engage Vision

Engage Vision © 2024